Allows you to control and customize email notifications that members or administrators receive after performing specific actions on your site (e.g., registering, deleting the account, etc.)
Email Headers
Set settings releated to E-mail headers
Admin E-mail Address
This option allows you to set which email addresses admin notifications are sent to.
Mail appears from
This option allows you to customize the mail that appears from the text. By default, this will be the name of your WordPress site.
Mail appears from address.
This option allows you to customize the email address from which the email notifications appear. By default, this will be the email from your site’s admin.
Email Templates
Set which emails to be sent on ACF Members form actions and manage the contents of email
Settings will be displayed by click the title text of each email template
Email template settings allow you to enable the email notification and edit the subject and content of the email.
Account welcome email (User)
The welcome email will send an email to users after they have successfully registered on your site. If you do not wish for new members to receive a welcome email, you can turn this off.
Account activation email (User)
If you have set the registration status of the registration form to require email activation, then the account activation email will be sent to users after they have registered on your site. (This option always on)
Account deleted email (User)
The account deleted email will send an email to users when they delete their account on your site.
Password reset email (User)
The password reset email will send an email to users after they request to reset their password form Reset password page. The email will include a link that users must click to reset their password.
Password changed email (User)
The password changed email is sent to users after they have successfully changed their password and lets users know their password has been changed.
New user notification (Admin)
Activate this to send admin notification email every time a new user successfully registers on your site.
Account deletion notification (Admin)
Activate this to send admin notification email every time a user deletes their account on your site through Account delete page.